For over a decade, over 2000 amazing young people have joined LTSB to redefine their futures.

We’re so proud of the every single young person whose journey we’ve been a part of over the past decade. Hear from some of our alumni about their experience with LTSB, and where they are now!

Joe’s Story

Joe joined one of our first Liverpool Business bootcamps in 2018, and now he's a manager at BDO and a member of our Alumni Innovation Committee. “Before joining LTSB, I knew I wanted to jump straight into my chosen career rather than spending years in college or sixth form. I was determined to find first-hand

Gugan’s Story

Gugan joined the Birmingham Law bootcamp in 2023, and now she's working at No 5 Barristers' Chambers as a Barrister's Clerk. “Before joining LTSB, I was in my gap year, struggling to figure out my next steps. University didn’t feel like the right path for me, and I was unsure of how to gain the

Tyresse’s Story

Tyresse joined the London Business bootcamp in 2023, and now he's doing a marketing apprenticeship with the Post Office! At school, Tyresse was surrounded by negative influences and was looking for a way to break out. He wanted more for his future, so when he saw someone a few years older than him doing an