LTSB Team completes Three Peaks Challenge in 24 hours

In the early hours of Sunday 12 May, led by Joseph Lyons, CEO of West Ham United Foundation, three teams reached the summit of Snowdon, completing their staggering challenge, having conquered the highest peaks in Scotland, England, and Wales in under 24 hours: a challenge covering over 23 miles and 3,000 meters of vertical ascent. // read more

LTSB sad to report death of former trustee, Stewart Humphrey

It is with sadness that we report the death of LTSB’s beloved friend and supporter, Stewart Humphrey, on 27th December 2023. Stewart was an LTSB trustee during its important formative years. His extensive business and charity skills were invaluable but it was his unique sense of humour and kindness that stands out in our memories.

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New Chair of Trustees Jeff Hayes announced

LTSB are pleased to welcome Jeff Hayes as our new Chair of Trustees. Jeff brings a wealth of experience in the finance industry following a 40-year career as dealer on the London Stock Exchange. After retiring in January 2010, he took up a number of Trustee/Co-opted roles within the voluntary sector. He has held roles

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