Not eligible for LTSB? We've put together a list of organisations and charities who can give additional support.
National Career Resources
- Breakthrough – A social enterprise that helps prepare prison-leavers for apprenticeships.
- Generation UK – run programmes to train young people up for jobs in a range of industries.
- HAYS – are one of the largest job searching platforms in the UK.
- National Career Service – can help you with your career, learning and training choices.
- NatWest Apprenticeships – is the hub for all of NatWest’s apprenticeship opportunities.
- Not Going To Uni – is a jobs platform tailored for school-leavers.
- Princes Trust – is a youth charity offering a range of help and opportunities for young people.
- Rate My Apprenticeship – is a job resource for young people seeking apprenticeships.
- REED – is one of the largest job searching platforms in the UK.
- Side Hustle Network – Bringing together young founders, ambitious entrepreneurs, and employers to cultivate a supportive network for individuals engaged in side hustles.
- Social Mobility Business Partnership – offer work insight programmes for young people.
- Social Mobility Foundation – run programmes to help people access top unis and professions.
- UK Gov – Find a Job – the Department for Work & Pension’s job search platform.
- UK Gov – Find an Apprenticeship – the DWP’s apprenticeship search platform.
- Working Chance – are an employment charity who offer support to women with convictions.
- Working Mums – is a job search site which helps parents find flexible and part time work.
Scottish Career Resources
- Direct Partners Training Provider – aim to bridge the skills gap and support people into careers.
- Edinburgh Guarantee – help young people in Edinburgh to access jobs, training and support.
- Skills Development Scotland – support people in Scotland to develop and apply their skills.
Northern Irish Career Resources
- Springboard – support young people in Northern Ireland, including through careers support.
- Department for Communities – Finding Employment – offer advice and support to job seekers.
- Active Communities – Run projects including community engagement initiatives, volunteering opportunities and a wide range of education, training and employment support programmes.
- The Prince’s Trust – Helps young people from disadvantaged communities and those facing the greatest adversity by supporting them to build the confidence and skills to live, learn and earn. Including employability support.
- Bryson Future Skills – Employment and Learning Programmes to young people and the long term unemployed.
- GEMS NI – Providing high quality information, advice, and guidance and employment solutions to: People who experience labour market disadvantage, Employers and Policy makers and practitioners.
- Gateway to Choices – Provides advice to help people access employment and learning support, ongoing access to experienced advisors, one to one guidance and information on learning opportunities.
- Ashton Centre – Provides, promotes and facilitates education and training to help individuals to reach their potential.
- East Belfast Mission – Provides Employability Support. The Employability Team at East Belfast Mission delivers two programmes: the Belfast Works Project, and the Community Family Support Programme.
- Extern – Extern works alongside children, young people, and families facing challenges to empower positive change and support family unity. They support people who are homeless or facing homelessness, those dealing with mental health issues and the impact of suicide, people experiencing problem drug and alcohol use and people living with problem gambling. They also support refugees, the Traveller community and people living with an offending past, to change their lives.
- Voypic – Is a charity for children and young people with a lived experience of care in Northern Ireland.
- Springvale Learning – Provides employment support & apprenticeship programmes.
- Impact Training – Provides opportunities for school leavers who are moving away from education. Impact Training offers a wide range of vocational training options for young people aged 16-19yrs and it provides work placement for up to 3 days per week which will help secure employment on leaving the programme.
- Alternatives – Offers PLUS (Positive Leadership Uniting South). This is a Personal Youth Development Programme (PYDP) in partnership with An Droichead, funded by IFI and managed by Rural Action. The programme is available to anyone who is aged 16-25, not in education, employment or training and resides within the South Belfast area.
- WorkForce – Provide vocational qualifications for school leavers.
- People1st| Training & Employment | UK & Ireland – Are a local training organisation, offering a range of courses across a variety of subject areas.
- Disability Action Northern Ireland – The largest Northern Ireland wide pan-disability organisation working with disabled people with various disabilities
- MACS Supporting Children & Young People – Support services for children and young people aged 16-25 years who haven’t had a fair deal in life.
Other Resources
Here are some useful resources aimed at helping young people in all areas of life.
- Hideout Youth Zone – run centres across the UK and offer a variety of support.
- Young Women’s Trust – find links to money, mental health, housing support, and much more.